
I was reflecting on a verse that I claim as My life verse the other day: Romans 8:28. Through life we all go through many different trials. For me the question of “why” is often in my head and in my prayer life, I am human but then I go back to the verse:

Romans 8:28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. (NASB: Lockman).

He promises that all will work out for the good. His plan is greater than ours. I read a commentary and I included it below:

By Raymond Ortlund
The hand of God is at the helm. He’s steering us through the storms of life toward home, toward a safe haven. And He takes care to order all the events of our lives right now to speed us on our way there. This is what we call Providence-- God’s overruling hand at work everywhere in a fallen world. The Providence of God is clearly taught from one end of the Bible to the other. And our confidence in the Providence of God is a faith so bold, so demanding, so unapologetic, that we cannot believe it without being transformed. Either all things work together for our good, or nothing makes sense. So let’s be bold about it. Let’s either be transformed Christians or bitter skeptics, because we cannot just sort of believe Romans 8:28. We either believe it or we doubt it. There is no middle ground. (Romans 8:28).

I like the visual of God at the helm and He is steering me through life. That is a reassurance and when I am weak and feel that question of “why” and worry sets in, I need to go back to the verse and remember what God’s Word promises.

Do you ever question why? Do you ever just get frustrated because you can’t see where this is going and how will it end up? If so you are not alone. I would love to hear how you deal with these questions and how you move through trials. Comment Below.

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1 comment:

  1. Love what the commentary said! How can we not question WHY sometimes, we are human! A few years ago I read a book called "A Praying Life", and in it, he talks about God weaving HIS story through our lives. That idea has stuck with me since I read it. Even though I want to control what happens in my life, ultimately, I am not writing my story, God is writing His story, for His glory alone. I was just telling my husband recently that I actually think that when God brings us to the end of ourselves, when we are broken, when we realize that we are not in control at all, it is actually His KINDNESS to us, so that we can then REST in HIM, and no longer in ourselves. Praying for you!


All comments are read by Me and I try to respond to each. Thanks for commenting and Happy Reading! God Bless!